网络 稻草人; 稻草人谬误; 草人
- an effigy in the shape of a man to frighten birds away from seeds
- a weak or sham argument set up to be easily refuted
- a person used as a cover for some questionable activity
- The mined policies and rules will then have to be classified identifying business agility and it may be possible to derive a strawman for a working set of business policy directives.
然后对于挖掘到的策略和规则需要进行分类以便确定业务敏捷性,这样可能就会产生一个假的业务敏捷策略指令工作组。 - Generally, a prototype or strawman is used to convey the changes and the effort that is required to make the changes.
一般地,原型用来传达更改和进行更改所需的工作。 - The lawmakers are so well paid that nowdays even a strawman would like to think of having a try in the election.
选举之后,一般民众没有别的选择,只能委托他们选出的政客来看顾自身的利益。 - By the time we see a strawman, it may be too late to make any significant changes.