(finalise 的现在分词) vt. 把(计划)最后定下来, 定稿
[经] 使...结束
- In finalising the recommendations, the IWG has taken into account comments received from the industry associations and the consumer council.
在落实有关建议的过程中,工作小组已考虑到业内公会及消费者委员会提出的意见。 - I had also concluded the process of accumulating transcripts and undergraduate records, not to mention finalising applications and essays.
另外,我也刚刚办完成绩单、本科档案记录这些,更不要说最终汇总材料、写申请文章这些了。 - Sake no Hana will only begin to realise this ambition once the elegant sushi counter on the ground floor is open in March, which in turn depends on Yau finalising the design for the island unit inside it.
要想在sakenohana实现这个愿望,则必须等到一楼的那个雅致的寿司台在3月份竣工之后,而这又要等到丘德威完成寿司台内部的中央台面设计之后。 - Senate leaders are close to finalising legislation that they hope will lead to a reversal of long-standing US policy of opposing intervention in currency markets, according to people familiar with the matter.
知情人士表示,美国参议院领袖即将敲定一项立法提案,他们希望这项立法将逆转美国长期以来反对干预外汇市场的政策。 - European leaders confirmed that a high-stakes Summit on Sunday aimed at finalising a plan to shore up the eurozone would proceed.
欧洲各国领导人证实,定于周日举行的一次利害攸关的峰会将如期召开,这次峰会旨在最终敲定一项为欧元区提供支撑的计划。 - His six months were supposed to be dominated by routine Euro-business such as finalising a deal on climate-change measures and a French-tinged campaign to build a "more protective Europe".
本来,这半年任期应该一如往常地充斥着各种欧洲事务,如敲定气候变化应对方案,发起泛着法国色彩的运动来打造“欧洲更强贸易保护伞”。 - It first emerged in late March that the bank was finalising plans to join its counterparts in the US and eurozone in offering a facility for banks to swap difficult-to-shift mortgage debt for more liquid government bonds.
最初在3月底,英国央行正敲定计划,以便加入美联储和欧洲央行的行列,向银行提供一种将难以易手的抵押贷款换成流动性更高政府债券的信贷安排。 - We are now finalising our initial proposals for an Urban Renewal Strategy and drawing up the suggested terms of reference, powers and operational guidelines for the new Authority.
市区重建策略的初步建议已接近完成,我们现正就建议中的市区重建局制定职权范围、权限和运作指引。 - ACA spent the next six weeks in to-and-fro discussions with Paulson, brokered by Goldman, finalising a list of 90 underlying investments for the CDO.
接下来6周,aca在高盛撮合下,与保尔森反复进行讨论,最终敲定了构建cdo的90只基础抵押贷款投资。 - Every G8 summit not to mention other international summits ends with leaders paying lip service to finalising a trade round.