英 [ɪˈspaʊzd]
美 [ɪˈspaʊzd]
v. 支持,拥护,赞成(信仰、政策等)
- VERB 支持;拥护
If youespousea particular policy, cause, or belief, you become very interested in it and give your support to it.- She ran away with him to Mexico and espoused the revolutionary cause.
- She ran away with him to Mexico and espoused the revolutionary cause.
- Its support of competition and private markets, and hostility to sizable regulations, is a direct descendant of the classical liberal views, as espoused for example in Smith's Wealth of Nations.
它支持竞争和私人市场、而反对大规模的管制,这样的态度,完全是继承了古典自由主义的看法,譬如,就像斯密的《国富论》所信奉的观点。 - The word 'juche' describes a philosophy of self-reliance that the elder Mr. Kim espoused.
主体一词描述的是金日成创立的自力更生理念。 - But now David Cameron, the latest leader of Britain's once rather materialistic Conservative Party, has espoused the notion of "general well-being"( GWB) as an alternative to the more traditional GDP.
而今大卫•卡梅伦,作为一度十分崇尚物质的英国保守党的最新领导人,也提出应更加关注GWB(国内幸福指数)而不仅仅只看GDP(国内生产总值)。 - Coyle makes a particularly effective assault on the view, often espoused by environmentalists, that economic growth ought not to be a policy goal.
科伊尔尤其有效地驳斥了常常为环保主义者所推崇的一个观点,即经济增长不能作为政策目标。 - First and most important, we must have a clear understanding of the ideology espoused by the enemy.
第一个,也是最重要的教训是,我们必须对敌方的意识形态有清晰的理解。 - There is no such group as the New World Order, though many have espoused this philosophy.
并没有被称为世界新秩序的组织,虽然很多人支持这种观点。 - Because of the crisis, the pendulum is swinging dangerously away from the principles Mrs Thatcher espoused.
由于危机的出现,钟摆正在危险地摆离撒切尔夫人所拥护的原则。 - Tea and Opium is an important book of global history, a Chinese response to the global history research as espoused by historians worldwide.
《茶叶与鸦片》是全球史研究的一部力作,也是对国际史学界关于全球史研究的一个呼应。 - This barefooted, often whipped child growing up espoused the cause of the Indian revolution and then that of the people of China.
这个幼年赤着双脚,时常挨打的姑娘成年了,先是支持印度的革命事业,然后又和中国人民的事业结下了不解之缘。 - That crafty prince was espoused three times.