英 [i(ː)ˈkwɒlɪtiz]
美 [ɪˈkwɑlətiz]
n. 平等; 均等; 相等
- Using the facial structure of convex sets, we developed two classes of necessary and sufficient conditions for a class of set equalities to hold.
运用凸集的面的结构理论,给出了优化理论象空间法中的一类集合等式成立的两类充分必要条件。 - The dual equalities of intersections and additions of the finite subspaces in the Euclidan space V are also given.
给出欧氏空间V的有限个子空间的交与和的关于子空间正交补的对偶等式; - Based on the desulfurization experimental data, and reasonable hypothesis, the model set a series of material equalities.
此模型从脱硫试验数据出发,经过合理的假设,建立一系列物料衡算式,计算结果与试验数据基本相符。本文主要对CaO做脱硫剂进行物料平衡计算。 - The least squares support vector machine ( LSSVM) was developed based on SVM to reduce the computation complexity through transforming inequalities constraints to equalities constraints.
以此为基础发展出了最小二乘支持向量机(LSSVM),将支持向量机的不等式约束转化成等式约束,明显简化了计算。 - Based on a simple penalty parameter and using the idea of primal-dual interior point methods, we solve the constrained optimization with both inequalities and equalities constraints in a feasible QP-free type way.
基于一种简单的参数更新规则和原始内点算法思想,并且依照可行的QP-free型方法,我们解决了同时包含等式和不等式的一般约束优化问题。 - The first same-sex weddings in England and Wales will be able to take place from 29 March 2014, Equalities Minister Maria Miller says.
英国妇女与平等部长玛丽亚·米勒称,2014年3月29日以后,英格兰和威尔士地区将可以举办首批同性婚礼。 - This paper will study the basic property of John base, mostly study the three equivalent equalities about John base, and we will prove that they are equivalent.
本文研究了John基的基本性质,主要是通过研究与John基有关的三个等价等式,并证明它们的等价性。 - Spatial Planning A Note on Range Equalities for Block Matrices and Sums of Matrices
关于分块矩阵及矩阵和的列空间方程的研究 - It is very important for characterizing some equalities related to the generalized inverse matrices.
广义逆矩阵的秩等式问题是广义逆理论中的一类重要问题,它在刻划与各种广义逆有关的等式时至关重要。 - On the basis of the results for idempotent and involutory matrices in, we further establish several rank equalities for involutory matrices.